Wednesday, June 17, 2015

New blog, new topics

Hello all!  Once again, I let this blog lag quite a bit.  Sorry for my absence.

I've been wanting to get back into blogging a great deal, but I've been stuck as to which direction to go in.  I wanted to share the things I've learned about the most effective ways people learn complex motor tasks, like riding a bike or, well, singing, but I also wanted to open up a place where voice teachers, singers, and voice scientists could comment and discuss the best ways to go about that.  So, I recently decided to make a new blog for that purpose.  This blog is going to be more narrowly focused than this one, and I'm hoping it will develop into a great place for any pedagogical questions or issues that arise for any of you.  I'm also hoping it can be a resource for new teachers to ask experienced teachers for advice if you're dealing with a tricky voice for the first time.

The current plan is to keep this blog going, but to keep the focus of this blog my own personal and academic journey.  The new blog will be where I discuss the scientific evidence from physiological and behavioral studies that I think is often missed in pedagogy coursework.  As such, I'm starting off this new one as if folks already have some basic, general knowledge of how the voice works physiologically.  I hope you'll check out this new blog and feel free to begin the discussion there on any questions or issues you're currently having, either with your own voice/singing training or as a voice teacher, any questions you have about what science can offer vocal pedagogy.

I hope to "see" you there!

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